Your septic system is an expensive and important part of your property investment. It is important to choose a company that cares about the performance and longevity of your septic system as much as you do. We pride ourselves in offering superior customer service and personnel who have been completely trained and are skilled in all facets of septic systems.

Mound Septic System
Septic System Maintenance and Pumping
One of the most repetitive and common forms of maintenance is Septic tank pumping. Septic tanks are simply underground filters that treat your wastewater. If these filters are not cleaned they will allow solid particles to pass into the drain field and possibly plug up, causing the septic system to fail.
Regular septic system maintenance is essential to getting the longest life from your drain field. It is so important that it is required by law. We feel that system maintenance is critically important and we try to educate and involve homeowners in the maintenance practices we recommend. Each time Sewer Pumping Services performs a maintenance service we inspect the entire system and make recommendations if we have any concerns. Be sure to ask us about installation and cleaning of in-line filters, bacteria additives, waste strength testing, line cleaning and televising, and homeowner education and awareness.
We Help with Pump Repair and Replacement
A pump is needed in most septic systems to make them function. Sometimes these pumps fail, but yours should have an alarm to let you know this has happened. You should have enough time to call us for repair when this alarm goes off, but don’t wait too long! We’ll come out and check on it for you. Usually the septic tank needs to be pumped so we can reach the pump and repair it.
Septic System Troubleshooting
Dozens of small problems in a septic system can have debilitating effects. The main causes of many smaller problems that can lead to large problems are:
- Mother nature, with intruding forces such as roots, animals, freezing, and run-off or ground water.
- Sub-standard installation and maintenance contractors
- And yes, very commonly, the property owner’s own neglect (usually unwitting, but still very serious).
It’s very important to correct these small problems before they turn into big ones.
With our many years in all aspects of septic work we pride ourselves at how quickly and efficiently we can determine system problems and find the best solution.
A particular issue that affects septic systems in Minnesota is freezing. The past few winters, Minnesota has seemed to develop a pattern of less and less snow fall. This is a big problem for septic systems. The snow acts as insulation and protects septic systems from freezing.
Freezing should not be a problem if your septic system is installed properly and is being used regularly all winter. In most cases freezing is the result of poor installation, but that can be permanently resolved. More importantly, preventative measures can be taken to avoid freezing in the first place.
Sewer Services, Inc. makes a donation to the ASPCA and Humane Society from every service we complete.
© 2014 Sewer Services, Inc.